Friday, 29 May 2020


Propagation Summary
The month of May started with very low solar activity.  There were some minor non-earth directed coronal Mass Ejections at the end of April, which had faded by May 8 followed by mainly quiet conditions until 29 May when an M1 solar Flare occurred at 0724 UTC.
The solar flux was mainly at normal to moderate levels during May,
Geomagnetic field activity was mostly quiet with the exception of isolated unsettled periods observed on 06 and 10 May.

Solar cycle 25 News
“925 days. That is the amount of time we had to wait since we last saw an M-class solar flare on the Sun.  But on 29 May an impulsive M1.19 solar flare (minor R1 radio blackout) took place on the Sun 07:24 UTC. This is the first M-class solar flare from a sunspot region belonging to Solar Cycle 25 and could even be the first M-class solar flare of Solar Cycle 25 depending if we have passed solar minimum or not.”  More information is available at:
plus, you can also join the Space Weather Live group on Facebook.

Propagation Forecast until 20 June
Apart from an M1 solar flare on 29 May, Solar activity is expected to continue at predominantly very low levels.
The Solar flux is expected to be at normal to moderate levels.
Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet to isolated unsettled levels through the outlook period.  My new web address for propagation links is:

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