Saturday, 27 July 2013

August 2013

Propagation Summary

Solar activity was low during the second half of July, apart from three C3 Solar flux events.  The first two occurred at 15, and 16 July, followed by a third event on 21st July.  The Solar flux also reached high levels every day during this period.  The Geomagnetic field ranged from quiet to minor storm levels, peaking on 15 July, then unsettled to active conditions were observed from 20 July onwards.

Propagation Forecast up to 17 August 2013

Solar activity is expected to remain low with a chance for isolated minor radio blackout conditions throughout the period due to active region flare activity.  The Solar Flux is expected to be at high levels through 20 August, due to a Coronal Hole High Speed Stream.  The Geomagnetic Field is expected to be generally quiet to unsettled for the majority of the period with the exception of 9-11 August and 14-15 August due to a recurrent Coronal Hole High Speed Stream.  Weekly updates to this forecast are available at:

The Sun's 2013 Solar Activity Peak Is Weakest in 100 Years

Though the sun is currently in the peak year of its 11-year solar weather cycle, our closest star has been rather quiet over all, scientists say.  This year's solar maximum is shaping up to be the weakest in 100 years and the next one could be even more quiescent, scientists said  "It's the smallest maximum we've seen in the Space Age," David Hathaway of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., told reporters in a teleconference.  The full article can be found at:   (Via Mike Terry) 

Links to these articles and more can be found at:

July 2013

Propagation Summary

Solar activity was at low to moderate levels during the second half of June.  The majority of the low level activity was on 18-22 June,  then high levels were observed on 23 June in response to coronal hole high speed Stream. 

Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to active levels. The period began with quiet levels on 17-19 June, but due to an increase in solar wind speeds, the geomagnetic field responded with unsettled to active periods late on 20 June.  The conditions then worsened to minor storm periods on 21-23 June due to another coronal mass ejection.

Propagation Forecast

Mostly quiet conditions are expected from 30 June to 04 July. By 05-06 July, quiet to unsettled conditions are expected with the arrival of another Coronal Hole High speed Stream Quiet conditions are once again expected from 07-16 July. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected on 17 July with unsettled to active levels from 18-20 July due to Coronal Hole activity once again.  

Solar Observatory Launched:

NASA's newest space telescope, a unique solar observatory named "IRIS", is orbiting Earth  following a successful launch on June 27th.  Leaving from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, an Orbital L-1011 aircraft carried IRIS inside a Pegasus XL rocket out over the Pacific Ocean, where the rocket separated from the belly of the airplane and blasted into space. 

Shortwave Central

You can find up to date forecasts for shortwave conditions and articles about broadcast and amateur radio at:

June 2013

Propagation Summary

Solar activity reached high levels during the second half of May, in fact the highest levels of activity since 2013 began.  Between 13 and 14 May, newly-numbered Region 1748 produced 2 flares, producing several radio emissions.  Solar activity remained at high levels on 15 May, but activity declined to moderate levels on 16 May with a single M1 Flare.  Moderate levels continued through 17 May and low levels of activity prevailed until a M5 Coronal Mass ejection hit Earth's magnetic field on May 24th at around 1800 UTC.

Geomagnetic field activity reached minor to major storm levels on 20 May in response to the 17 May coronal mass ejection.  More information about Solar Flare classes can be found at:

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity up to 15 June 2013

Solar activity is expected to be low to moderate throughout the forecast period. High levels of activity are possible on 25 May and again after 7 June.  The Solar flux is expected to be at high levels from 24-31 May associated with a recurrent Coronal Hole High Speed Stream.  In the absence of any Earth-directed coronal mass ejections, the remainder of the forecast period is expected to be characterized by quiet to unsettled levels of activity with the possible exception of 28 May, when another Coronal Hole high speed stream brings active levels.  Daily updates are available at:

The current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24 gives a smoothed sunspot number maximum of about 66 in the autumn of 2013.  The smoothed sunspot number has already reached 67 (in February 2012) due to the strong peak in late 2011, so the official maximum will be at least this high and this late. We are currently over four years into Cycle 24. The current predicted and observed size makes this the smallest sunspot cycle since Cycle 14 which had a maximum of 64.2 in February of 1906. From:

April 2013

Propagation Summary

Solar activity was very low to moderate during late March. Low activity dominated the week with low level C-class flares observed on 18-20 and 23-24 March.  The Solar Flux was mostly low, increasing to moderate levels on 18-20 March.

Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to active levels. The period began with mostly quiet conditions.  An increase to quiet to active levels was observed on 21 March due to effects from two Coronal Mass Ejections. (CME’s) on 17 March. Quiet conditions prevailed for the remainder of the period with the exception of an isolated active period at the close of 23 March.

This increase in activity was possibly related to the weak CME observed on 19 March.


Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity up to 20 April 2013

Solar activity is expected to be very low to low throughout the period. A slight chance for M-class flare activity is possible from 01-13. High levels of activity are expected from 29 March-04 April due to recurrent Coronal Hole high speed stream.   A return to normal to moderate levels is expected for the remainder of the period.  Geomagnetic field activity is expected to begin the period at mostly quiet levels. Quiet to active conditions, with a chance for minor storm periods are expected on 28-30 March.


Solar Cycle 24 Progression

The Solar Cycle 24 progression charts show that the average sunspot numbers continue to remain well below estimated levels.  The last major peak was in late 2011 which gave an average sunspot number of 95.  This figure dropped to around 30 in early 2012, but is now around the 55 mark. This is one of the most uneventful solar cycles since records began.


Lyrid Meteor Showers

On April 18-15, there a major Lyrid meteor shower is forecast.  For details of how meteor scatter works, here is a link to an article: